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DATING VIOLENCE is the intentional use of physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse by a person to harm, threaten, intimidate or control another person with whom that person has or previously had a relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. 

ABUSE exists when there is a pattern of one person
trying to gain power and control over another.  The
most obvious way of controlling another person is by
using physical violence such as hitting, kicking,                                                    TEEN DATING 
holding them down, or sexually assaulting them.                                                       VIOLENCE CYCLE                                  
However, there are other ways of controlling a person
through emotional, mental, and verbal abuse which
are not as obvious.  These behaviors are still abusive
and will often lead to physical violence.
In a relationship we deserve things like love, support, safety and being cared for. The following is a self assessment about at risk relationships.  Please read through them and answer truthfully to yourself.  If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, then you may be in a relationship that is at risk for abuse and/or violence.  Please contact an advocacy group such as Umbrella for more information.
**This list of questions could also be applied to those who may feel that they have a potential for becoming abusive to their partner.  If you can apply these circumstances to your own personal behaviors, please consider contacting an advocacy group such as Umbrella to discuss your concerns.

Does your partner, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or a family member:
Make you feel uncomfortable or afraid?
Often put you down, humiliate you, or make you feel worthless?
Constantly check up on what you're doing or where you are going?
Try to stop you from seeing you own friends or family?
Make you feel afraid to disagree or say "no" to them?
Constantly accuse you of flirting with others, whether this is true or not?
Scare or hurt you by being violent (like hitting, choking, smashing things, locking you in, driving dangerously to frighten you) ?
Pressure or force you to do sexual things that you don't want to do?
Threaten to hurt you , or to kill themselves if you say you want to end the relationship?
Control what you do, who you see or talk to or where you go?
Act jealous or possessive towards you?
Constantly check your cell phone messages and text messages?

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